About Jan Schroers

 Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University 

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Becton Center 217, 15 Prospect Street

New Haven, CT 06520

Tel. (203) 432 4346

Email: jan.schroers@yale.edu

Professional Preparation:

  • University of Cologne, Germany, Physics Diploma (~M.S) 1994

  • RWTH Aachen, Germany, Physics Ph.D. 1997

  • California Institute of Technology, Materials Science, Postdoctoral Fellow  1998-2002    


2012 - present:  Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yale University 

2016 - 2017:     Visiting Professor, MIT, Mechanical Engineering

2013 - 2014:      Visiting Professor, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

2006 - 2012:     Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Yale University 

2002 - 2006:     Director of Research, Liquidmetal Technologies, Lake Forest, CA

1998 - 2002:     Research Fellow, Materials Science Department, California Institute of Technology

Research Interests:

Advanced Materials, Metallic Glasses, Combinatorial Material Science, Advanced Manufacturing across length scales, Additive manufacturing, Autonomous learning and manufacturing, Nanofabrication.


Synergistic Activities:

  • Scientific Advisor, Desktop Metals, 2016 - present

  • Chief Scientific Advisor, Supercool Metals, 2013 – present

  • Director of Graduate Study, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 2012 - present

  • IRG leader of Yale’s NSF-MRSEC, 2011 - 2017

  • Organizer of the 2007 and 2013 Bulk Metallic Glass Symposium held at the MRS fall meeting in Boston 2007, Organizer of the 2011 Processing of Bulk Metallic Glass Symposium held at THERMEC 2011, Quebec

  • Presented various invited colloquia and seminars (48) and presentation at scientific meetings (31 Invited and 10 Keynotes) including: MIT (3x), Brown, Northwestern University (2x), Stanford, UC Davis, GTech, Harvard (2x), UMass Amherst (2x), UCLA, Yale, Washington University Saint Louis, Univ. Goettingen (3x), Caltech, Chinese Academy of Science, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Max Planck Institut fuer Eisenforschung, IFW Dresden (2x), CSEM (Neuchatel) (2x), EPFL (2x), ETH, Tohoku University, Riso (Denmark), Postech (Korea), KIST (Korea), Yonsei (Korea), SNU (Korea), (MRS Fall Meeting 2000, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018; TMS spring meeting 2007,2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017,2018; Amorphous Metals, Beijing 2006, Intl. Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ9, RQ10, RQ11, RQ12),  2005, BMG 7 (Korea), BMG 8 (Hong Kong), BMG 11 (St. Louis, Keynote), BMG 12, (Seoul, Keynote), DPG 2013 (Keynote), ICSAM (Seattle) 2009, SNMR (Ithaca) 2010, WPI-AIMR (Japan) 2010, ISMANAM 1994 (Grenoble, not invited), 1999 (Dresden), 2000 (Oxford), 2001 Ann Arbor, 2010 (Zuerich), 2013 (Torino, Keynote), 2015 (Paris, Keynote), 2017 (San Sebastian, Keynote)


2017 LiXun Award, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang

Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors:

Graduate Advisors:

Prof. Knut Urban (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

Postdoctoral Advisor:

Prof. William L. Johnson (California Institute of Technology)

Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor:

Ph.D students (Total: 9): Yingbei Liu, Rodrigo Miguel Ojeda Mota, Sebastian Kube, Naijia Liu, Arindam Raj, Guannan Liu, Hayley McClintock, Ethen Lund, Salena Huang

Post-graduate students (Total: 5): Shiyan Ding (McKinsey Consulting), Baran Sarac (IFW, Dresden), Michael Kanik (McKinsey Consulting), Wen Chen (faculty UMass Amherst), Yanglin Li (IBM), Punnathat Bordeenithikasem (JPL/NASA), Jittisa Ketkaew (SupercoolMetals)

Postdocs (Total: 1): Sungwoo Sohn 

Post-Postdocs (Total: 6): Golden Kumar (faculty UT Dallas), Ze Liu (faculty Wuhan University), Sundeep Mukherjee (faculty Northern Texas University), Kate Jensen (faculty Williams College), Pan Gong (faculty at Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Yanhui Liu (faculty at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing)